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Instructions for Use

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  2. Instructions for Use

Create and login a Ebooks-HUT account

To use the Ebookshut service, you need to create an account.

  • Step 1: Click Register to create an account
  • Step 2: The registration form appears. Please fill in all required information, including your full name, active email address, and password. After entering all the required information, please click "Register" to complete the registration process.
  • Step 3: Sign in with your newly created account or an existing account.

Recharge to EbooksHUT Account

To use the Ebookshut service, you need to fund your account. We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Zelle, USDT, Perfect Money...

  • Step 1: Go to the payment page
  • Step 2: Select payment method
  • Step 3: Proceed to checkout
    • Recharge by Paypal:
      • Enter the amount you want to deposit. The "Total" section will show the total amount you will receive, including the bonus. Click "Continue" to proceed.
      • Select payment method and Complete payment
    • Recharge by Zelle:
      • Scan the QR code to pay with Zelle. Once the payment is complete, press "Send a Request" for the system to verify and credit your account.
      • Important: Please include the email you used to register your account in the content when transferring money so we can accurately update the credit on your account. I you forget the date or write down the wrong content. it will take longer to process the transaction

Buy ebook on Ebookshut

We have a wide variety of books in many genres to suit all ages and interests. If you are looking for a particular book, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

  • Step 1: You can search for books by title or author by entering them into the search bar. You can also search by using our available categories.
  • Step 2: View the book description, author, and title, and click "add to cart" to purchase.
  • Step 3: Click on the cart to review your items.
  • Step 4: After reviewing your items, proceed to checkout to complete your purchase.
  • Step 5: To download your purchases, please visit the "Orders" page and click the "Download" button corresponding to the product you want to download.